(Privacy Code Legislative Decree 196/2003)
Browsing the site does not require registration by the user.

To the processing of personal data of users of the site, is applied Art. 13 Legislative Decree 196/03 (the Privacy Code). The Owner of the treatment of personal data on persons, identified or identifiable, processed after consultation of our site, is Romualdo Begnini. The acquired data are processed electronically in accordance with the laws.

Personal data will be disclosed only to persons inside the company, authorized to carry out activities necessary for the execution of the contract and used exclusively for that purpose. In no event will the data be disseminated to third parties. The interested party may apply to the Owner of the data to confirm the existence of its own personal data by Romualdo Begnini – Via G. Pascoli, 1 00063 Rome – Italy, to know their origin and the function of their treatment, to ask for the update, the rectification, integration, cancellation and transformation into anonymous form or for the block in case of unlawful processing; he can oppose to their processing for legitimate reasons.


Cookies are small files such as messages or segment of data. They are stored on the users’ computer, smartphone or tablet and contain information about the user. They allow the web server to recognize the user and deliver a page tailored for that user.
Cookies document every user as unique, hence any and every website visited by that user is recognized and their choices are memorized. In short, Cookies allow the web site to recognize the user every time they visit the site.

Cookies used by this site and their purposes

Cookies for technical and functional tasks: Cookies, for example allow the user to log in to a web-page, to create their own accounts, store currency settings, use different languages and research tools, save products in a shopping cart and so much more. They are indispensable to visualize and operate correctly a website, thus enhancing the users’ browsing experience.

Cookies gather and analyze data (Third Party): cookies are a convenient way to store information about visitors, how they use the website, to understand what works and what does not, to optimize and improve the site in general, making it more interesting tus enhancing the sites overall performance. Cookies analyze data especially in the field of online advertising campaigns. Cookies collect information about the interaction of the user with the site after viewing an online advertisement. All the data obtained are anonymous.
Google Analytics

Social Cookies (Third Party): for example Facebook, Twitter and Google+. The aim of Social plugins are to share content on social networks. Management of the information collected by “third parties” is governed by the information the cookies contain. To ensure greater transparency and convenience, please refer to the web sites below to manage cookies.

Disable cookies and manage their preferences
Most browsers are configured to accept, control or disable cookies. Here are the steps you need to take to manage cookies by the following browsers:
Internet Explorer

To learn more about cookies and to manage your preferences on third party cookie profiling please visit

To disable analytical cookies and prevent Google Analytics to collect information about your navigation, you can download the Add-browser for the Google Analytics Opt.